Stephen: In class today, we were analyzing the poems of John Dunne. It was pretty fun. Now we’re moving on to Shakespeare, but I think… Me: Wait a minute, are you saying you’re finished with Dunne. Stephen: *sigh* Will you stop it?
I was playing Skyrim on my PC when my son Stephen joined me, Stephen: Wow, you have been playing with this character a lot less time than your other one but you have a lot more stuff. Me: Yeah, but that’s because I played the other one on the PS3 and I can have mods […]
6 oz crab meat 2 oz cream cheese (softened) 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1/4 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon salted butter (softened) 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 1 dash paprika 1/4 cup cheddar cheese Mix the cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream and butter until smooth. Slowly add the garlic salt and paprika. Stir in the cheese and […]
I have mentioned numerous times how brilliant Stephen is. The only real weakness in his schoolwork is his handwriting. It is atrocious. He doesn’t care about how the letters look if they can be understood. There have been times when he has written his name where the line in the H is three times taller […]
Image via Wikipedia Ever since school started, Stephen has been looking forward to being able to go to the school library. He has been making all kinds of plans for the types of books he was going to check out. At the top of his list was almanacs. I wasn’t too sure they would let […]
Image via Wikipedia Stephen: Daddy, when you make my lunch can you make sure you put in a juice box or two? Me: I forgot? Sorry, buddy. What did you drink? Stephen: Nothing. Me: Nothing? All day? Stephen: No. I had some chocolate milk that I don’t like. Me: You don’t like chocolate milk? Stephen: […]
Stephen: Why is the fan blocking the downstairs entrance? Me: Ask your mother. And why can’t you say ‘door’ like any other kid? Stephen: Because I’m your kid. Me (shrugging): Can’t argue with you there. My father, somewhere in another plane of reality or reincarnated as a small child, is laughing. He might not know […]
Image by Image Editor via Flickr When we were kids, my mother would buy me and my brother educational toys. Not just games that helped us with reading and writing, but things like erector sets, rock tumblers, chemistry sets, this thing that taught us about electricity and circuitry, magnets, etc. Plus, we always seemed to […]
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